Friday, November 28, 2014

Baylee's First Thanksgiving

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was as amazing and fun as ours was! Holidays are just so much more exciting with little Baylee around to celebrate them with! :)

She looked so adorable in her "My First Turkey Day" outfit! I got the onesie from Carter's and I made the tutu myself. It was so easy to make and there is absolutely no sewing involved! I got more tulle so I'm hoping to make her one for Christmas day as well. This little chick is just so festive!

I was blessed to be able to make Thanksgiving dinner this year for my husband, sisters, dad, and cousin Joseph (who is also Baylee's Godfather). My sisters and cousin came up the night before and we made pumpkin pies, spice cake cupcakes, and chocolate dipped rice krispie treats for dessert! Yum! It was so nice and much needed family time. For our dinner spread we had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, stuffing, biscuits, and deviled eggs! It was so good and we all stuffed ourselves!

My new addition to the feast this year was homemade cinnamon butter. Oh my goodness! It was delicious on the warm biscuits! It will definitely be a holiday staple from now on.

I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful family to spend time with. After we ate we just and laughed and played with Baylee. It was one of the best Thanksgivings I've ever had. There was many other family and friends that I would have loved to have there, but they were definitely with us in spirit! :)

I wont lie though...when the dishes are done and the last of the leftovers are put away it is super exciting, because that means it is officially the Christmas season! We do Christmas big around here, so I can't wait to involve Baylee in all of our traditions. I have already been rocking out to Christmas music and putting stuff up around the house today. I'm so excited to catch of picture of Baylee's reaction to our Christmas tree...I think she will love it!

This was her face when I told her Santa was going to bring her presents...

I think it's safe to say she's destined to be holiday obsessed just like her mama! ;o) Enjoy the beginning of the holiday season everyone! XoXo

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