Sunday, February 15, 2015

7 Months With Baylee!

This was, by far, the fastest month yet since Miss Baylee was born. I seriously feel like we were just taking her 6 month pictures, (which turned out suuuuper cute by the way) and now here we are with our 7 month old baby girl who just thinks she is oh, so big! :)

I know I say this all the time, but I just can't believe how quickly her first year is flying by! In only 5 months we will have a 1 year old...a toddler...oh my...

Lately, Baylee has been 100% fixated on crawling and standing. She will sit and play with her toys for a little while, but then she immediately engages in "crawl practice" or looks for something to try to pull herself up on. This is why the play mat was packed away...she tried to pull herself up on it and timbered backwards taking the mat with her. She was not happy, to say the least! Not being mobile has been extremely frustrating for her. I'm constantly struggling between my maternal instinct to pick her up when she cries, and my knowledge that she'll never learn unless I let her try. Her little baby acrobatics have been pretty cute to watch. She cracks Brian and I up all the time with her rocking and "planking", and how she figured out that rolling gets her places...just not necessarily where she wants to go. I have a feeling she will be crawling very soon, and then the fun reaaally starts!

I have recently found myself absolutely obsessed with how adorable Baylee is when she eats her "snacks". I have started letting her have small snacks of Gerber puffs or Cheerios once or twice a day and she goes crazy for them! I love watching her chubby little hand pick up Cheerios and put them in her mouth so she can gum them to death! Despite all the teething signs, we are still toothless. I don't know when this angry tooth or teeth are going to finally cut, but I am sure hoping it's soon. She's been such a grumpy drool monster lately! I know it can take time though, so it's just a waiting game.

How cute are those chubby baby hands?!

Probably the most adorable thing she has started to do this month is "dancing". If you follow my on Instagram, then you've seen the video! Whenever a song comes on that she likes she starts bouncing up and down while she is sitting...totally grooving to the music! I die every time! We are definitely music lovers in this house, so I'm not surprised that she likes music, but I was kind of shocked to see her dance and respond to music so young. She loves fast "dancy" type songs with lots of rhythm. It all started with the "Friends" theme song "I'll Be There For You" (Mommy may or may not have binge watched every season on Netflix ;) hehe) and now she dances to Toddler Radio on Pandora and a bunch of Disney songs too. I'm so happy she's a little music lover like her Mama

It's been great to watch her little personality come out more and more each day. Right now she is a total Mama's girl and I'm loving every minute of it! She's my little shopping buddy on our weekly Target trips and other errands, and she even chills out and plays in her bathtub (with no water of course) and watches me put on my makeup and get ready for the day. Having a daughter has been such a blessing! I'm looking forward to bonding with my little diva as she grows and teaching her everything about being a strong woman. This kid has got quite a bright future ahead of her!

Yesterday, we celebrated Baylee's first Valentine's Day! Since it was on a Saturday and we were not in the mood to deal with crowds, Brian and I kept it simple. We ran some errands and hung out with Baylee and then made some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Brian had some flowers and chocolates delivered for me, and I got him a massage off of Groupon and some chocolates as well! The highlight of my day was being able to name it a "cheat day"! I have been going hardcore on trying to lose those last pesky pounds of baby weight, so it was nice to indulge a little in some wine and cheesecake for dessert! Yum! The highlight of Baylee's day was getting to try her first donut! It was just a plain cake donut, and to be honest, she didn't eat much of it; but boy, was it fun to crumble and play with! She ate a little bit, looked at it like "The frick is this...?" and then continued to try more. Then there was happy dancing! :) I think it's safe to say she liked it. I'm not down with the sweets this young though, so she won't be getting another one for a verrry long time! Just one little treat for my sweet!

This girl is definitely going to be my wild thing! Just getting her 7 month picture today was a challenge because she's so crazy and all over the place now! These next few months are going to be quite the adventure, but I welcome it with open arms! I still don't know what I did before I had this sweet little miss in my life! 

Look for a post next week continuing my "15 Things I Wish I Had Known" series! Until then, I leave you with some out takes from today's mini-shoot! Take care lovelies! XoXoXo

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