Sunday, March 15, 2015

8 Months With Baylee!

My crazy little girl is 8 months old now, and boy has this month been all about making leaps and bounds with her development! She's bee-lining toward becoming a toddler and I'm so not ready for it. I find myself saying all the time "Where did my baby go?!" Truthfully, I loooove the age she is right now, though! She's becoming so independent and self aware and it's been the neatest thing to watch.

This wild one does not stay still for anything! This was the best picture I could get this month because we are officially crawling all over the place at the speed of lightning! It happened so day she was crying on her tummy because she couldn't go anywhere, a few days later she was scooting, and a few days after that she was full-on crawling like a little champ. The baby gates were promptly ordered at that point! She's the cutest little crawler and such a happy baby now that she can get around. I love watching her explore around the family room; it's like she's seeing her world from a whole new point of view. :) 

As soon as she became mobile she also decided to conquer another milestone and is now pulling herself up on everything she possibly can. We had to adjust her crib mattress all the way to the bottom
 because I was afraid she would topple out! We got her one of those "walker" toys to help her learn to take steps, and she has also been cruising along the couch. I wouldn't be surprised if this little lady is walking by May or June. She doesn't hold back, that's for sure!

In other "big stuff" news, Baylee has also decided that she's too old for Mama to feed her and is now refusing to eat pureed food. She loves to feed herself little bite sized pieces of whatever I give her. My kid is a total foodie! Right now her favorite things are toast, sweet potatoes, Cheerios, green beans, cheese, egg yolks, and Gerber Puffs. We haven't experimented with a lot of fruit yet, because it's so slippery, but now that her grip is getting better I will start adding some in soon. I have to admit I kind of love that she loves to feed herself. We eat dinner all together at the table and it's so nice. 

We went on a couple of adventures this month too! The first was Baylee's first snow day in Mt Baldy. Luckily, it wasn't too cold, so she really enjoyed it. She seemed very confused at first and tried to touch the snow, but her big puffy suit didn't give her much room for movement and she timbered right over....face first in the snow! She was a trooper, though, and no tears were shed! Phew! Then Daddy stuck some clean snow in her mouth and she went crazy for it. All smiles the whole was a perfect day! So glad we made it, because with the 90 degree days we've been having, it looks like Winter is officially over in So. Cal!

Our next adventure was Baylee's first time at the park. We went with her Mimi (my sister...her Godmother) and she got to swing and slide for the first time. It was precious to see her get happy and excited on the swing. I see many, many more park days in the near future now that the weather is warming up. :)

My sweet girl is also getting very lovey and cuddly and I am soaking in every second of it! Sometimes she crawls over and just lays her head on my lap and my heart just explodes! We have also become quite the Daddy's girl too. He works full time and goes to school full time, so when he's around it's all Daddy all the time! Is she a spittin' image of him or what?!

So many other things happened this month...I'm afraid this blog post could go on forever! I say this all the time, but I just can't believe how much I love this little girl and her squinty, scrunchy smile! She is my sunshine everyday, and I love how bonded we are.

Is that the cutest face you've ever seen?! 

Until next time! XoXoXo

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