Monday, April 6, 2015

Baylee's 1st Easter!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend! Baylee's first Easter was a total blast. She is at such a fun age right now, and even though she has no idea what's going on, I like to pretend she cares. ;)

We started out on Easter Eve having a little BBQ with our friends and former roomies, Amber and Jeff. Baylee had so much fun playing with them, and Mommy finally got to enjoy drinking some wine with a girlfriend! After good food and drinks we decided to carry on our Easter Egg dying tradition. I can't wait until Baylee can help...maybe next year! The adults, however, had no problem participating and we got pretty artistic if I do say so myself! 

Easter morning didn't go exactly as planned, (what does when you have a baby?) but it ended up being great! We had a late night and Baylee went to bed past her bedtime. Anyone who has kids knows the dreaded curse of the "Late Bedtime = Early Riser" and thats just what happened. My kiddo was bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6:00am, so I knew it wouldn't be long before she would hit exhausted melt-down status. Instead of taking her to Mass right as she would hit her cranky point, we decided to let her open her basket and presents, fed her breakfast, and got her straight into the car for her nap. It worked out very well and she was a happy camper the rest of the day. I'm sorry Jesus! I know God understands that this Mama needed some grace this time around. ;) Next year we try again!

We let Baylee crawl over to her basket and gifts from other relatives and she went nuts! Every time she would take something out, Brian and I would shout "Yaaaay!" and she would scream and wave her arms! So cute! She even kept her bunny ears on...she's a festive girl of my own heart!

She made out like a little bandit and had no problem diving in to play with her new stuff!

We made some quick eggs and toast for breakfast, and as soon as she was done eating she turned into a straight up Crank Monster just like we had anticipated. It was time to load up and get this girl to sleep...we still had a long day ahead!

We picked up my Dad and one of my sisters and headed out to Disneyland! It was a gorgeous day and so much fun! Thunder Mountain Ranch had a whole Easter set up that was totally cute. We decided to take Baylee to meet the Easter Bunny since she did so well with Santa, but apparently 4 months makes a huge difference in trust issues. She wanted nothing to do with him. So we got a classic family picture with a huge pout on her face. Priceless.

We had some Gumbo and Clam Chowder bread bowls for lunch, and then decided that it would be fun to take Baylee on the Mark Twain! She loved that Daddy held her and danced with her to the music, but it was apparently a little too relaxing because by the end of the ride she was crashed out. It was starting to get busy anyway, so we let her nap in the stroller and headed back to the car.

We had an early dinner at my Dad's and then headed back home so that Brian could do studying and homework (an EMT students work is never done!). It was a nice relaxing day and I'm so glad everything went so smooth. It's hard to believe that Baylee only has a few more "first" holidays before she is a year old! July is coming so quick! 

Until next time! XoXoXo

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