Monday, July 6, 2015

Baylee's 1st Independence Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day! Ours was absolutely perfect, and I still can't believe we have now celebrated all of Baylee's first holidays! We are avid patriots in this house, so the 4th of July has always been a very special holiday for me. It was great to finally share all the fun with my best girl. :)

We started out the day with some red, white, and blue waffles which were basically laughable! I really had this idea in my head that they would come out looking like Captain America's shield, but they kind of just looked like tie dyed blobs! lol It's okay though, because they tasted great, and Baylee didn't seem to mind how silly they looked in the least.

We had a nice, relaxing morning and then spent the afternoon prepping for dinner. I made the most amazing chocolate chip cookies ever, and used them for ice cream cookie sandwiches. Heaven! For dinner we made BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, and baked potatoes, but I was too hungry to remember to take a picture. So, here are the cookie sandwiches in all their glory!

My sister-in-law, Jenny, came up with Addy and a 3 year old little girl she was watching, and then a couple of Brian's cousins came over with their 3 year old little boy. It was nice to have a casual, small little get together. Jenny and I got to enjoy some rum spiked Slurpees which has been a tradition for us for years. (Except for last year because she had to work and I was verrrrry preggo! lol) We added some peach Malibu to lemonade Slurpees....ahhhmazing.

 Baylee loved trying to keep up with the big kids! She did a pretty good job, and the kids totally wore her out. It was about 100 degrees up here, so we let them play in her kiddie pool and new water table...both were a huge hit!

After dinner we let Baylee go to town on some ice cream and red, white, and blue sprinkles. She was one happy camper and kept giving me a look as if to say "Is this ok that I'm eating this?" Hilarious!

Once it started to get dark, we let the kids play with some sparklers, and then set up our camp chairs for the firework show that they put on at a park down the street from our house. I thought the firework show was very impressive, but Baylee didn't seem to agree. Poor kid couldn't wait to go inside and crashed as soon as I put her in her crib! 

It was definitely one of the best Independence Days ever! 

I am so excited now because we are officially in birthday mode! We have Baylee's party this weekend and then next Wednesday our big girl turns 1! Turn on the happy tears! 

Until next time! XoXoXo

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