Friday, August 28, 2015

Fun on the Farm!

Yesterday, my mom, sister, and I took Baylee for her first adventure on the farm! She's recently very obsessed with animals, and I had heard about a cute little farm thats pretty local to where we live so I had to take her. It was absolutely adorable, and had it not been so hot we could have stayed there all day. I definitely plan on taking her back in a couple of months once the weather cools off, and hopefully to pick out a pumpkin for Halloween! 

We took Baylee to the petting zoo first. They had pigs, geese, and goats, and I think she was a little overwhelmed with the loud honking geese and snorting pigs! She warmed up once we went inside the pen though, and found a baby goat just her size. (Side note: I'm totally spoiled with the Disneyland goats who just lay around and don't eat your clothes. Ha.)

We saw the horses and cows next, and Baylee made friends with a pretty pony named Abigail. Apparently a pony eating hay is absolutely hilarious!

The big, brown cow was also a big hit with for sure. We got a picture of Baylee and her Nonna, but the cow didn't get the memo to smile. ;) 

And, of course, what's an farm adventure without her Mimi?! :)

The farm was definitely Baylee's element...outside surrounded by animals! This Mama is lovin' her little country girl! I can't wait until she fits in her boots!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Until next time...XoXoXo!

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