Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Today With Bay!

 A lot of people ask me what my day is like as a stay at home mom, so I thought it might be fun to show you our day in pictures every so often. It will be interesting to see how our day changes as Baylee gets older and as the seasons change. Right now, we are still having a pretty bad heat wave here in the desert, so we are mostly staying inside with the A/C on! Anyway, enjoy reading about our day! :)

8:01 My little bird wakes up.

 She sleeps pretty solid from 8:00-8:00. I'm usually up by 6:30-7:00 that way I can shower, catch up on social media, and just have some quiet time before the toddler tornado wakes up.

8:10 Breakfast for Mommy.

 I usually let Baylee play in her crib for 15 to 20 minutes after she wakes up. It gives me a chance to feed the dogs and myself, and she's perfectly content rolling around and tossing her pacifiers in the crevice between her crib and the wall. Today is day #2 of my diet. Protein shake for breakfast. Yay.

8:20 Baylee plays and watches a Baby Einstein DVD.

 We snuggle on the couch for a bit, and when she's over the hugs and kisses she goes and plays with her toys. This gives me a chance to wash her bottles and make some breakfast for her.

9:00 Breakfast for Baylee.

 Today we had strawberry banana smoothies and peanut butter on wheat toast. Yum! I'm recently obsessed with the Jamba smoothie bags. They taste soooo good and are the perfect portion for both of us to share.

9:30 More playtime.

 Baylee plays while I do my makeup and get ready for the day.

10:00 Target run!

 It really is negotiable wether Target or Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth! ;)

11:00 Bottle and quiet time.

 A melt down as I put groceries away signaled time for a bottle and some calm down time. I swear I will wean her to a cup one day.

11:30 Nap time 

 Yay for naps! This meant snack time for Mommy and some reading. I also managed to get some laundry and a workout in as well as 20 minutes of shut eye for myself. Win.

2:15 Baylee awake, so I vacuum before I get her out of her crib.

 Wishing I had a playroom so my living room doesn't have to look like a daycare anymore. *sigh* One day...

2:30 Lunch time!

 Turkey, quesadilla squares, green beans, and blueberries. (I had another protein shake. Meh.)

3:00 More playtime and a dance party. 

 We love to put on music while we play and dance around the living room!

3:08 Lou Lou-back-riding.

 We own the world's most tolerant dog.

3:45 Coloring 

 We got new crayons at Target, so we had to try them out. My little artist!

4:30 Swinging and bubbles outside.

 5:00 Books in Baylee's room.

5:30 Make Dinner.

 Brian is usually home by now to keep the munchkin entertained while I make dinner, but today he had an appointment after work. This meant a utensil party on the kitchen floor! Woot!

6:00 Dinner time.

 Whole wheat pasta and meat sauce! I also made us a side of broccoli because it's Baylee's favorite veggie right now.

6:30 Bath time!

 7:00 Movie and calm down time.

 We watched The Princess and the Frog for the bajillionth time. It's the only movie that keeps her attention for practically the whole time.

8:00 Night bottle and bed time.

She was exhausted and went right to sleep...and now I miss her little face!

 Until next time...XoXoXo!

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