Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Favorites: Feeding the Babe!

Happy Fri-yay everyone! We have had quite a week over here dealing with sicknesses and doctors appointments, thank goodness for my sister who stayed with us almost all week to help! (Love you, Nic!) We are very happy to have Daddy home for the weekend and nothing crazy planned. :) 

For this weeks Friday Favorites, I decided to take some pictures of Baylee's breakfasts and lunches to give those of you with toddlers some new meal ideas. For dinner, Baylee eats whatever we eat, so no need to be creative there, but I often have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch (when I haven't fallen off the diet wagon lol) so I have to feed her something different. Comment, and let me know what your favorite tot meals are for breakfast and lunch!

For breakfast:

Banana yogurt and apple muffins.
 We usually eat greek yogurt for the protein, and the recipe for my apple muffins is here.

Blueberries and oatmeal.
Baylee loves fruit of all kinds, but blueberries are her favorite. Sometimes I make regular oatmeal for us, but for a quick meal we get these Gerber Breakfast Buddies. They heat up in 20 seconds and are healthy and delicious!

Bananas and waffles. 
Baylee recently started liking bananas again after a few months of fighting them, so I'm really happy about that. We love Eggo's whole wheat toaster waffles, and sometimes I even spread a little peanut butter on one before I cut it up just for some added yum!

Wheat toast with peanut butter and apples.
Simple and easy...this one is always a winner in Baylee's book. It takes a while to cut up the apple in to small enough chunks, but she loves it so much. 

For lunch:

Dino nuggets, string cheese, and frozen peas.
We are big dino nugget fans in this house! They're quick to heat up and so freaking yummy. Baylee's frozen pea obsession started about four months ago when a friend of mine suggested it, and she's been hooked ever since. I love that I can just plop them down with no hassle, and she literally will eat every pea I serve her!

Mini tuna sandwiches, frozen peas, and apples. 
I have professed my love for mini cookie cutters before, and here is another reason why! You can make sandwiches tiny enough for chubby toddler hands! Heart eyes! We also have peanut butter and jelly sometimes too, but this particular day tuna was on the menu.

Grilled chicken, brown rice, and broccoli.
Sometimes I make more food for dinner than I know we will eat, that way we can eat it for lunch the next day. Chicken and rice night is always perfect for that because sometimes it tastes even better as leftovers.

Deli turkey, green beans, and sweet potato tots.
Turkey is Baylee's fav lunch food without a doubt. We get the low sodium kind from Target, because I know sodium intake is something you have to watch with toddlers. Sweet potato tots have become a staple in our house. Brian and I never liked them before, but ever since we got them as a healthier alternative for Baylee, we have been obsessed. Call me crazy, but I would choose them over regular potato tots or fries now! Woah. 

Hope this helps give you mamas some ideas if you're stumped from feeding your babe the same old thing all the time. I really enjoy changing up Baylee's menu so she's getting a lot of flavors and trying new things often. This kid sure loves to eat! 

Oh, and the pretty plated food was just for pictures sake, by the way. I cannot serve Baylee anything in a bowl or on a plate or else it ends up on the floor. Boo. Any suggestions on how to get her on the plate train with the rest of us? ;)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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