Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday Favorites: Soup Sundays!

This will be the third Fall/Winter season that we will be keeping our Soup Sunday tradition alive, and I am so excited to try some new recipes this year. It used to be Soup and Scrabble Sundays, but playing Scrabble around a toddler? Ha. That's funny. It's going to be fun to finally be able to let Baylee try the soups this year though...I can't wait to see what she thinks! Here are a few of my favorite recipes, as well as a couple that I plan on trying this year! Happy Soup Sunday-ing! :)

This is my favorite classic chicken noodle recipe, but I also want to try making homemade noodles this year to make it extra delish! 

If you've ever had this at Olive Garden and love it, you have to try making it at home. It's even better!

This is soooo good, especially if you're in the mood for something a little more spicy! It goes great with margaritas too. ;)

I'm excited to try this one this year! As you can see, I tend to be comfortable with the chicken soups, but potato soup sounds soooo yummy.

 I thought this one just sounded amazing and so different from what I am used to making. It will be fun to see how it turns out!

I also have the most amazing recipe for chicken pot pie soup in the crock pot served over biscuits, but I can not, for the life of me, find the link to the website that I got the recipe from. Boo. I will have to type it out in a future post, because it is to die for! If you have any good soup recipes make sure you comment and share them with me! I have 21 Sundays ahead of me! ;)

Until next time...XoXoXo

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