Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Baylee's Christmas List: Ideas For 1 Year Olds

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! We are in full Turkey Day prep mode, and I can't wait to enjoy family and good food tomorrow.  Also, this weekend is the kick off to the most wonderful time of the year and my heart is bursting with excitement to share all our fun traditions with Baylee and to start some new ones too. :)

We took Baylee to meet Santa last week. She looked absolutely adorable, but in true 16 month old fashion, she was terrified of him. We calmed her down with a candy cane and managed to get the cutest pouty picture ever.

Seeing Santa had me thinking about Baylee's Christmas list! She is at one of those ages where it's a little difficult to decide what to get her because she's too big for baby toys, but not quite there for a lot of the big kid toys yet. So, after some research, I compiled a list of my favorite Christmas gift ideas for 1 year olds this year.

I loved my Magna-Doodle so much, and it made me so happy that they still make them! This is a perfect mess free art toy for little hands...and mamas who have a doodling problem. ;)

This is a perfect age to start with peg puzzles. I know Baylee would have so much fun matching the animals to their spots, and it's a great way to learn animal sounds!

This is one of the gifts that Santa is bringing Baylee this year for sure because I fell in love with it! My kid loves music, so I know she's going to have so much fun playing the keyboard and singing into her microphone. I can't wait to see her put on a show!

I love the minimalist gift giving idea of "something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read." So, this year as her something to read, I would love to get Baylee this Little Golden Book of all the stories I grew up with! Little Pokey Puppy is my fav!

Little people are great for this age because they're tiny and chunky for little hands, but not small enough to be a choking hazard. Baylee has the Disney Princess Little People Castle with Snow White and Cinderella, so she will be getting all the other princesses and their friends for Christmas. She is going to be stoked! 

Now that Baylee is a walking pro, pushing around a stroller will blow her mind! I am so excited to take her on walks and let her push her little baby. :)

What's a stroller without a brand new baby doll to push in it? This year, Baylee will be getting her first Cabbage Patch baby! I love how timeless Cabbage Patch is, and she's going to love how soft and huggable she is. We are getting her the newborn, and you get to pick the name and birthdate for the birth certificate! Too cute.

We are still undecided, but I would love to get Baylee a play slide like this one or something similar for her to play with in our yard. I know she will enjoy it, especially this spring and summer when we play outside a lot!

I hope this helps you get started for some gift ideas for your littles! :) 

Have a blessed Thanksgiving filled with love and lots of pumpkin pie!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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