Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Today With Bay!

7:15 Good Morning Sunshine!

Baylee usually wakes up around 8:00-8:30, but for the past week she's been up by 7:00 no matter what time we put her to bed. The little brown dog (who finally got groomed!) agrees with me that this is entirely too early!


7:30 Tea Time!

I made my tea, (I gave up coffee for Lent! I know...I'm brave.) and was stressing about all the cleaning and errands that needed to get done. Then, my tea bag reminded me to slow down. So, I decided to have a breakfast picnic with kiddo instead of starting the day with a To-Do list. :)

8:00 Breakfast Picnic

Baylee loved our picnic and ate every single bite on her plate which never happens! Win!

8:30 Mickey Mouse on the arm of the couch. (Baylee's new spot.) 

9:00 Finger Painting

For Christmas, Baylee got some Crayola Color Wonder finger paints, and I freaking love them! The paint is clear and only appears on the special "Color Wonder" paper. She loves to get a finger full and then see what color appears. This activity kept her busy for a half an hour, people. A half. an. hour! (Double win!)

9:30 Milk and Ariel

While we were cleaning up from painting, Baylee asked for "Meeeelk and Awee-ol". Can't say "no" to that! 

10:00 Protein Shake

While Baylee watched her movie, I made myself a protein shake. I threw a banana in with it and it tasted like dessert! Bay, of course, was trying to thief some the whole time I drank it.

10:30 Nap time! 

Early rising means early napping! I layed down to shut my eyes for a few minutes after I put Baylee in her crib, and then woke up two hours later to her making noise on the monitor at 12:45! So much for a productive nap time! Although, I guess naps can be productive too...

1:15 Lunch time!

Lunch today was turkey, pasta salad, bananas, and cottage cheese served in a muffin tin. Try it toddler mamas...I promise your kid will love it!

2:00 Get ready! 

After lunch we got ready to go run errands, but first we took a matching top knot us-ie. :)

2:30 Shop 'til we drop!

We went to Hobby Lobby and a few other stores, and had so much fun! Baylee was such a good girl the whole time. She insisted on carrying my shopping bags to the car after each store...even if they were as heavy as her! Such a good little helper! It must have pooped her out though, because she knocked out in the car on the way home.

4:30 Snack! 

Snack today was yummy peach greek yogurt. Baylee kept clinking her water bottle with the yogurt cup and saying "cheers" because I taught her to do that with her tea set. It's freaking adorable. :) Not so adorable was her spitting water all over her shirt prompting the third outfit change of the day!

5:00 Outside play!

5:45 Dinner! 

Dinner tonight was leftover creamy chicken (chicken in the crock pot with some cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soup) and broccoli. I also let Baylee have the last muffin. I'm so nice. 

6:00 Holy Cannoli!

After dinner, Baylee and I split a cannoli from the local Italian market for dessert. She had never had one before, so I was curious to see what she would think, and she ate almost her whole half! Such an Italian girl! Mama is proud.

6:15 Scrub-a-dub in the tub! 

6:45 Milk and snuggles!

My favorite. :)

7:45 Teeth brushing!

8:00 Story time and lights out! 

And now, like every night, I'm at my desk blogging and thinking about how much I miss my little bestie. :)

Until next time! XoXoXo

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