Thursday, March 10, 2016

Secondary Infertility: First Update

Well, no baby yet, but I'm finally here with my first update since I posted about our secondary infertility journey. If you missed the first post, you can catch up by reading it here.

When I last posted, I had just had my HSG test results come back that I had a unicornuate uterus and my OBGYN was sending me to get an MRI for further investigation. So, I had my MRI in mid-February and the results were very promising! It turns out that instead of a unicornuate uterus, I actually have a bicornuate uterus. So, I have two sides, but there's a septum in the middle that makes it shaped like a heart instead of an upside down pear like it should be. 

Basically, this type of uterus shouldn't hinder me getting pregnant at all! Woohoo! I will be considered somewhat high risk when I do get pregnant and will probably always go in to labor prematurely, but with doctors help there's no reason I can't have another healthy pregnancy.

I was so relieved to find this out, but also frustrated. We have been trying so long, so what gives? What's the actual reason that I can't get pregnant? I asked my doctor what the next step was, and she explained that she thinks that along with one of my tubes having been blocked (which was flushed out by the HSG test so shouldn't be an issue anymore) that I may be having anovulatory cycles. In other words, my body preps to drop an egg, but never actually does. The solution? Clomid.

I had done my research, so I knew Clomid was going to be her answer. I was so nervous though, as it has a pretty miserable list of potential side effects. I decided that I want this next baby bad enough, however and filled my prescription.

For those who don't know, Clomid is a series of 5 pills that you take in the beginning of your cycle. It works as an estrogen blocker prompting the body to produce more estrogen and hyperstimulating the ovaries. The hope is that the ovaries will then produce, mature, and drop multiple eggs instead of just one so that your chances of at least one of the eggs getting fertilized are higher. (If you're wondering, my chance of twins is only 10% so don't bet on it! lol)

So, I'm halfway through this cycle and the side effects haven't been too terrible, thank goodness. I have had mild discomfort and crabbiness, but so far no nausea which was my biggest fear. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I'm really wanting this to work. I have baby fever in a bad way, and I am so ready to give my little love a sibling!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers! You have no idea what it has meant to Brian and me to have such an amazing support system. Also, if you're in my same boat, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would love to share our experiences and give each other some hope. :)

I leave you with a throwback picture of my 4 week old baby girl...time, why do you fly so fast? Can't wait to snuggle another squishy someday!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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