Friday, March 18, 2016

St. Patrick's Day!

Did everyone have a wonderful St. Patty's Day? I know we did! It's crazy how the holiday has changed now that I am a mom, though. I remember when March 18th was a day guaranteed to include a green beer hangover. Now, I can barely remember the taste of that food coloring altered beer! ;) Maybe that's not such a bad thing...
 Anyhow, as much as I miss the St. "Party's" Day of yore, I love my life now and being able to "decorate" my kiddo all in green and gold!

We had plans to go to Disneyland on the morning of St. Patrick's Day, so I decided to have our festive breakfast the day before. This year, we had green pancakes topped with whipped cream and Lucky Charms, and, of course, green milk. My smart child figured out that the best part of lucky charms is the marshmallows and picks them out one by one...I can't say I blame her! Also, she dove into the whipped cream on the pancakes without an ounce of hesitation. I seriously love her.

Yesterday morning we got up early and headed down to the parks with my sister-in-law, Jenny, and my niece, Adalyn. Now that Addy has gotten older, it's so much fun to watch the girls interact. They really love each other, and I swear have their own language of babble back and forth.

We took the kiddos to see the Disney Junior show, which is always a hit for Baylee. Adalyn seemed to love it too! They get to sit on the floor or stand up and dance, see puppet versions of all their favorite Disney Junior characters, and there are bubbles and confetti that fall from the ceiling. Toddler paradise much? 

We walked around California Adventure for a bit and then had lunch. I took the slow down as an opportunity to take some pictures of my favorite little girls in their festive green outfits. Baylee's bow is from Harper Blake Bowtique. Isn't it adorable? I'm telling you, I'm obsessed! 

We really planned on trying to find some kind of green treat for dessert, but Disney didn't really have much this year. We settled for beignets, and they were delicious! The girls had fun sitting in high chairs next to each other at the table, but then got in their first fight ever over a coloring page. It was pretty hysterical and Jenny ended up having to tear the page in half so that they could each be satisfied. Oh, dear...this is what we have to look forward to! 

We took our little crabs home after dessert so they could take some car naps. I had every intention of making shepherd's pie for dinner, but once we were home I was too exhausted to go out and buy the ingredients. I talked Brian in to getting teriyaki chicken at Waba Grill instead. (So not festive! Fail.) Baylee enjoyed being out to eat with Mommy and Daddy though, and when we got home we had angel's food cake topped with green cool whip and more of those amazing Lucky Charms! As soon as Baylee saw the cake, she grabbed one of her plastic plates and slammed it on the kitchen table! I think she was ready for a slice. ;)

And now, I don't know if I'm excited or sad that Easter is only 9 days away! I just put up my decorations today, so I'm bummed that I will be taking them down already in a little over a week...but on the other hand I can't wait for some Easter Bunny fun with Baylee!

Until next time! XoXoXo 

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