Friday, March 4, 2016

This is 30!

Today is my last day of my twenties, and tomorrow I kiss them goodbye and turn the big 3-0! I know it's typically a "dreaded" age, and though getting older has some sucky points, I'm totally embracing it. I have every intention of making my 30's an amazing decade!

I figured turning 30 was a great opportunity to share a little more about my life. So, please excuse the embarrassing kiddo pictures of me as I highlight some of the best parts of the last 3 decades for me. :)

I was born on March 5th 1986 to a 17 year old Mama. She was young, but there wasn't one moment in my life that she didn't put me first. I was her everything. We lived with my grandparents, so I was always surrounded by love and very, very spoiled!

I had a great childhood! I was so blessed to be able to have a lot of experiences even at a really young age. I look back at old pictures and think, "Wow. God was really looking out for our little family!" I got to go to preschool when I was 2 while my mom went to nursing school. There, I met my friend, Jenelle, who 28 years later is still my friend to this day! My mom wanted to make sure I got the best education that I could, so she sent me to private school from Kindergarten until 12th grade. I have always appreciated being able to go to amazing schools where I knew everyone, made some great friends, got a lot of one-on-one time with my teachers, and was able to learn about God and being Catholic.

My first birthday:

My first Christmas:

Age 2:

First Disney trip:

Age 3:

Age 5 with Jenelle:

First day of Kindergarten:


When I was 6, my mom married the man who would later adopt me and officially become my dad. He's been the most amazing father ever since I can remember and I have always felt so lucky that God blessed me with him. 

A few years after they got married, they gave me one of the best gifts I've ever first baby sister, Nicole. Then, three years after that I was twice blessed with another sister, Gina Marie.

Despite the age gap (9 years and 12 years), my sisters and I have always been super close. I love that God gave me built-in besties who I can always count on.

My dad and I with baby Nicole:

Nicole and Gina Marie:

Sister love:

Sisters and Mama: 

4 Generations! Notice my all-girls private high school uniform...
fashion statement much?! lol 

High School was some of the best years of my life. I went to an all-girls school, which I hated at first, but I learned to love it. It was great to not have to do my hair or makeup every day, and to be able to act crazy with all my best girlfriends without worrying what the boys would think. I made a lot of great friends and has a blast going to all the dances and participating in our drama department. 

Senior year, I got my first job as a "bear builder" at Build-A-Bear Workshop. I ended up promoting to management and worked there for 7 years! To this day, it was the most fun job I've ever had!

Senior Prom:


BABW Management Team: 

After high school, I went to a local Cal State University and decided I wanted to get a bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies so that I could be a teacher. After a series of unfortunate events, I ended up not finishing, but it was for the best! I have about 10 classes left, so I have every intention of finishing one day, and possibly teaching one day when I'm done being a SAHM!

While working at BABW, I met my very best friend, Jenny. We have spent the last 13 years getting in to all kinds of shenanigans and always being there for each other. We have a friendship built on shopping, secrets, laughter, tequila shots, dancing, and cowboy boots and I wouldn't have it any other way! 

Lucky for me, Jenny got married in 2007, and 4 years later I started "talking to" (is that still a thing? lol) her husband's little brother. He was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and stationed in Hawaii at the time. After a few months of incessant texting and phone calls, I flew out to Oahu to spend some time with him. We fell in love, and I didn't come home for almost 5 months! A year later, we were engaged, and nine months after that, we were married on October 18th, 2013! 

My husband, Brian, is the most incredible man. I am so very blessed to call him mine. :)

Hawaii days: 

Our wedding:

Jamaican honeymoon:

Not even a month after we were married, I became pregnant! Then, 9 months later, sweet Baylee Christina Grace was born, and it's been a whirlwind ever since! My girl is crazy, but she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. God has blessed me in more ways than I ever thought he could!

So, here I am now ready to rock my 30's! Cheer to it being my best, most adventurous and love-filled decade yet!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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