Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Today With Bay!

7:30 Rise and shine!
 ...and apparently read books first thing because, what else?

7:35 Mommy's Wake-up Juice

7:45 "Eat-meal" for breakfast
I hope she has messy bed head at breakfast like this forever. 

8:05 Still hungry.
Which means "I'm going to take 3 bites of this banana and then toss it." 

8:15 "Car"toons
So that Mama can shower for like 5 minutes.

9:00 Ready for the day! of us at least.

9:15 Playtime
This princess found a paci in her toy box. Pick your battles, Mama...pick your battles... 

10:15 And we're off!
Nap time on the run! We have a fun day ahead!

11:30 We made it!
To Nanny and Papa's (my grandparents') house, of course. That happy little pup is one of their new yorkies that Baylee is in love with.

11:40 Already snacking.
What are great-grandparents for?

12:00 Playtime with "baby!"

12:30 Outside play

12:45 Why we will probably never leave So. Cal...
Hello, pool time in April!

1:15 My swim diva.

2:30 Some rest and relaxation.
Because being a toddler is hard work!

2:45 Popsicle time! 

4:00 On the road again...

5:30 Taco Tuesday!!!

 6:00 Bath time!

6:30 Jammies and curls for days.

6:45 Movie time.
We watched A Turtle's Tale.

 8:00 Story time with Daddy.
10 Tiny Puppies is a nightly read for this kiddo.

8:15 The sweetest guard dog.
She waits for us to finish Baylee's night routine every night before she leaves her room.

8:30 Good night, my little love

Until next time! XoXoXo


  1. I love this! Your routine is basically exactly the same as mine, only we go to my parents regularly instead of my grandparents. I secretly love how bringing the kids there means I don't gotta worry about making lunch or snacks all day long, lol! And we've watched Sammy & Shelly's A Turtle's Tale (best soundtrack ever) about a million times too, hehe!

    1. Oh girl, I hear ya! Having that extra help every once in a while is the best! Sometimes I even leave for an hour and go to Target alone! *gasp* ;)
