Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Our Weekend!

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! We are in need of some lazy days and naps over here after all the "go go go" this weekend, but we had a blast. :)

On Saturday, we held a luau graduation party for my youngest sister, Gina, who just graduated from high school. We set it up in our grandparents' back yard which is basically a mini Hawaii already, so it was perfect! It was so fun to get the whole family dressed up in luau clothes and to listen to Hawiian music and reggae. 

 For food, we had pulled pork and pulled chicken with Hawaiian sweet rolls, and of course all the good sides like macaroni salad and baked beans. We broke out the margarita machine and used it to make yummy pina coladas and strawberry daquiris. Rum and summer just go together, don't they? We also had a gorgeous cake and cupcakes that were pina colada and rasperry mojito flavored.

It ended up being a great evening filled with family and friends. We ate to our hearts content, played a few rounds of corn hole, and then ended the night chatting around the outdoor fireplace. I can't think of a better way to kick off summer! (And Gina was so happy and appreciative...congrats, my girl!)


We spent most of Sunday recovering and running our usual weekend errands, because we knew Monday was going to be another long day at Disneyland. Every year, for the past 4 years now, Brian and I have made it a tradition to go to the Disneyland Flag Retreat Ceremony on Memorial Day. Sometimes they have the USMC band playing, which is really cool, but this year they had the Disneyland marching band. They play patriotic music and call all the Veterans and enlisted military to come up to the flag pole while they sing the national anthem and retreat the flag for the day. It's a beautiful way to honor the memory of our fallen, and to show appreciation that we live in a country where we are free because of all the brave men and women willing to defend it. I love seeing all the Veterans, young and old, up there still so proud to have served. Brian took Baylee up on his shoulders when they called up the U.S. Marine Corps and it made me one proud wifey. I am so blessed to have a brave patriot for a husband. 

We will definitely continue the tradition and go every year. This year, we brought my Papa and both him and Brian were given buttons that said "Thank you for your service." on it. (Papa was in the Army.) Just anther reason why I hold Disney so close to my heart...they never forget our military!

And now...let summer begin! We already have triple digit weather predicted for this week. You better believe it's pool time!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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