Thursday, May 12, 2016

Today With Bay!

6:45 Coffee time!
I've been up since 5:30 waiting for the girl to wake up, but she's still sleeping so I decide to make my coffee.

6:50 Harry Potter
I recently just watched all the Harry Potter movies for the first time and now I totally understand the hype! I've decided to read all the books, and I'm currently halfway through Chamber of Secrets.

7:45 Baylee's awake!
Yep, I got another hour to myself! Amazing! And she woke up in a great mood after getting a good night's sleep which hasn't happened in a while! :) 

8:05 Teddy Bear toast! 

8:30 Baby Einstein
Some mornings I just can't handle any more Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so we watch Baby Einstein DVDs instead. Baylee loves telling me what she sees, "See, Mama, bird eating!" 

9:15 Coloring

9:45 Tea Time!

10:00 Dinner Prep
One of the easiest meals in the world. Put some chicken breasts in a crock pot with a few cans of cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soup and cook on low for 8 hours.

10:20 Swing time!

11:00 Milk and "Lumpy" 
Baylee is recently obsessed with "Pooh's Heffalump Movie" and asks to watch "Lumpy" (the heffalump's name) on a daily basis. Thank goodness its cute!

11:45 Nap time!

2:15 Rise and shine!
And thank you for taking a 2.5 hour nap!

2:30 Picnic on the porch 

2:45 Splashin' in the water table

3:45 Target run!

4:45 Back home and having a dance party!
To the Disney Sing-a-long DVD of course. ;)

5:15 Daddy's home!!!

6:00 Dinner time 

 6:30 Back outside for more splashing!
 It was 90 degrees all afternoon so we took advantage and let Baylee play outside some more. I am going to love the long summer nights that are on the horizon.

7:15 Tub time!

7:45 Jammies and a movie. 

8:00 Dessert
We have a graham crackers dipped in milk obsession around here! Bonus points if you spread on some Nutella first! 

8:20 Story time 

8:30 Good night, my little sunshine. :)

Until next time! XoXoXo








1 comment:

  1. What a terrible way to start our day today, BUT as life will have it everything turned out great, Thank God , now Baylee will have her Great Grandpa Bonafede around for many many more years....Love to all....Papa
