Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day Weekend!

Happy Summer Solstice, everyone! I hope you all had a fun weekend celebrating all the amazing daddies! :)

We started our Father's Day on Saturday with a trip to Oak Glen to visit Brian's dad. His parents own a turquoise jewelry shop there, so we try to make it out a few times a year to visit them and tour the village. I have to say, this was our best trip there yet, because Baylee is finally old enough to enjoy some of the things they have for kiddos to do!

First, we took Brian's dad out to lunch and then we decided to walk around the shops for a bit. They have the cutest stuff, and a lot of it is hand made (which you all know I'm a sucker for!). We walked Baylee up to the petting zoo, and she got to have a cup of dried corn to feed chickens, peacocks, goats, and an adorable brown cow. She was in Heaven! (Although I think the feral squirrel that was stealing from the chickens was her favorite! Ha.)

After the petting zoo, we turned the corner to find the pony rides and Baylee went ballistic shouting "Purple hoshie (horsie), purple hoshie!" So, we couldn't say "no". She got to ride a little white horse with pink and purple ribbons named "Apple". I was so impressed with how well she did and how naturally riding came to her! Her happiness warmed my Mama heart...I love my little animal lover! :)

After the ponies, we were in need for a snack, so Baylee got to try her first apple donut. They're little mini donuts that they fry and then roll in cinnamon and sugar that's been flavored to taste like different kinds of apples including red delicious, granny smith, and caramel apples. So yummy. I can't wait to go back for more, and I think Baylee feels the same! 

On Sunday, we woke up early (looking at you, Baylee) so we decided to go out to breakfast. First, we gave Brian his Father's Day gift of a stamped key chain and he totally teared up a bit. Him and Baylee put on their matching "Rad Dad" and "I get my rad from my Dad" shirts that I got from Trio Trendy Threads, and they totally rocked them. So happy with how they turned out!

After a delicious pancake breakfast, we went to the park to enjoy some outside time before the heat really came in. (It was 106 much yuck.) Baylee loved making Daddy follow her all around and go down the slides with her. She's a Daddy's Girl without a doubt!

After nap time, we met up with my Dad and sisters and took Baylee to see her first movie, "Finding Dory"! I was a little worried that she wouldn't last through the whole movie plus the previews, but she did great. She bounced around from lap to lap and ate all our popcorn, icees, and chocolate covered cranberries. Whatever keeps her quiet, right? She only whimpered a couple of times, and I thought it was hilarious when she would recognize a character or animal on the screen and shout out "Monkey! Dory! Nemo!" Surprisingly, I actually got to pay attention to the entire movie, and it was really cute. Baby Dory is my favorite thing ever!

After the movie, we had Mexican food and pineapple margaritas for dinner, and I managed to get zero pictures of us with my Dad. Womp. Baylee was pretty done at that point though, so we called in an early night and drove home, and we all went straight to bed. It was the perfect ending to a nice, relaxing weekend.

Now to battle the rest of this ridiculous heat wave. Wish us luck.

Until next time! XoXoXo



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