Saturday, July 16, 2016

Baylee's 2 Year Update!

I can't believe two years have gone by since I held my little 7 pound 17.5 inch squishy in my arms for the first time. I miss her baby pudge and cuddles so much, but I am so proud of the amazing little girl that Baylee is blossoming in to! Though it hasn't been all sunshine and roses (someone acquired her mamas temper and bossiness) and this year was by far harder than the first (I don't care what anyone says...14-20 months was so much more challenging than the infant stage!) seeing her grow into this amazing little girl has made every hard day worth it.  She's smarter than I could have ever imagined, and makes me laugh all day long.

Baylee knows all her colors, can count to 12 (most of the time...sometimes a few numbers are MIA) and is super close to being able to sing the whole alphabet. She can point out circles, squares, hearts and stars, and knows all of her body parts. She loves to sing, dance, hop, color, and read books. She's a Disney movie addict just like Mama, and her favorites right now are The Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo, Frozen, and The Princess and the Frog.

She's sweet as can be an has a heart of gold. Whenever I'm having an off day she can totally sense it and becomes the biggest cuddle monster. She's full of hugs and kisses and is happiest when surrounded by all her favorite people.

Age: 24 months
Weight: 25.5 lbs
Height: 33 inches 
Clothing size: 24 month and 2T 
Teeth: 15 she got all but one of her eye teeth, the bottom right is stubborn and won't pop yet!

Favorite foods: This kid loves Chinese food! Her favorite meal is when I make chicken and veggie stir fry with rice. She also loves chow mein from Panda Express. She loves meat of all kinds...burgers, ribs, taco meat, you name it, and also has a new found love for pepperoni pizza. She is finally starting to eat some pasta and bread, but she's perfectly content with meat and a veggie at most meals. Unless there's french fries...then all we eat is french fries! 

Favorite Words: In just the last three months Baylee's sentences have gotten so clear and it just blows my mind! Her favorite sayings are "No, LeeLee can do it!", "C'mon, Daddy, color!" "Da (insert animal here) says (insert animal sound)", "You silly, Mama", and "I ruv you soooo much!"

Favorite activities: She has a new found love for performing! We put on Disney songs and she sings (like legit knows all the words lol) and dances. She gets so intense and in to it and it's absolutely adorable! She also loves to blow bubbles, swing, go down the slides at the park, and take her baby for a walk in her toy stroller around the neighborhood. Oh, and swimming! She finally got over her fear and now kicks around the pool wearing her puddle jumper and yelling, "I a fishy, I a fishy!"

Least favorite activities: Having to stop playing to eat, leave the house, or go to bed. 

Favorite toys: She just got a new play kitchen for her birthday and it's pretty much her life. She also loves her babies and stuffed animals and makes me swaddle them in blankets so she can put them "ni-night". Her little people are a classic go-to, and she's actually starting to have them talk to each other and pretend to eat and sleep, etc now!

Signature moves: Yelling "Mama, dis mah song!" in the car, dressing up our cocker spaniel like a princess, and passing out "knuckle bumps", "noggins" and "huggles" all day long!

I love my girl more than I could ever put in to words! These last two years have been the greatest adventure of my life, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store! 

Happy 2nd birthday, my sweet Baylee girl!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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