Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer Waterfall Hike!

One of the silver linings that has come from Brian's accident at work is that Baylee and I get to spend more precious time with him doing fun things! Yesterday, we took Baylee on one of our favorite hikes to a small waterfall. It's a super quick hike, so we figured it would be perfect for our little beginner. She actually managed to walk a quarter of the way up and a quarter of the way down, so we we're really proud of her!

When she wasn't walking she sat in the carrier on Brian's back and loved it! It's been a long time since she's been in a carrier, so she thought it was pretty cool that she could be on Daddy's back without having to hang on.

Once we got to the waterfall, we all took our shoes off and played in the ice-cold water. Baylee had a blast finding rocks and plopping them into the water. We stayed and splashed for about a half hour, and she cried when it was time to go because she was having so much fun. I love watching my little nature girl in her element!

As frustrating as it is to have Brian out of work, I'm so grateful for this extra time we have to spend as a family! We definitely have a few more adventures planned before he has to go back. :) 

Until next time! XoXoXo


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