Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Picking Pumpkins!

Over the weekend, we did our first visit of the season to a pumpkin patch. We will probably visit a few more this year, but we wanted to try something new! So, we went to the Live Oak Canyon pumpkin patch with my bro and sis-in-law and our niece. It was absolutely huuuge and the kiddos had a blast!

We wanted to spend some time in Oak Glen which is right up the way, so we didn't even get to do all the things that this particular patch has to offer; but there were food stands, rides, games, and pumpkins as far as the eye could see.

I had never been to a patch before where you cut the pumpkin off the vine, but after this experience, I don't think I'll ever get a pre-cut pumpkin again! It was so neat to take the girls in a wagon to a perfect spot and then watch them tromp through the pumpkins until they found the perfect one. Talk about photo-op heaven!

It was such a fun day! If you live in the area, I highly suggest checking out this pumpkin patch. They apparently have "chop your own" Christmas trees too, so I may actually suck it up and let Brian get a real tree from them this Christmas! (Don't judge...I'm allergic!) 

I can't wait to check out some other patches in the area this season! Oh, and how sweet are our little Halloween witches in their onyx June & January dresses?! Baylee wants to wear hers every day!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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