Thursday, July 13, 2017

This Is 3!

Around this time of year, I'm usually posting a birthday update on Baylee and all her current favorites, but since she's such a big girl now I thought I would also let her speak for herself! :) This morning we did a little interview, and these were all of her answers:

Baylee's 3rd Birthday Interview 

Favorite color?: pink
Favorite toy?: my stethoscope 
Favorite food?: pink donuts
Favorite TV show?: Doc McStuffins
Favorite game?: Hi-ho Cherry-O
Favorite snack?: granola bars
Favorite animal?: tiger
Favorite song?: princess songs (meaning her Disney princess CD)
Favorite book?: The Potty Book (yes, like the one you use for potty training, even though she's been potty trained for 9 months! haha)
Best Friend?: Mimi (her Godmother/aunt)
Favorite Cereal?: strawberry cereal (Special K Red Berries)
Favorite thing to do outside?: swing
Favorite drink?: water
Favorite holiday?: Halloween 
What toy do you take to bed with you at night?: Kitty Cat (her pink stuffed tiger)
Favorite movie: Beauty & The Beast (the cartoon version)
Favorite place to go?: Disneyland

I don't know what I would do without my sweet, crazy, smart girl! She's currently 36 inches and 31 pounds. She wears a size 3T and a size 7 shoe. Her favorite things in the world are Disney characters, dinosaurs, her doctor kit, puppies, and stuffed animals. She's a little sponge and has a love for learning that I hope she keeps forever. So far along with knowing all her colors and shapes she also can recognize all the letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-9. She's learning what sound letters make and is doing really well at guessing what letter a word starts with! She starts her first year of preschool next month, so I can't wait to see how she does!

The downside to having such a smart kiddo, of course, is that she's an absolute threenager. She already fights back with "that's not fair!" and is forever getting in to things that she shouldn't be. She's Miss Independent and is absolutely obsessed with doing things "all by myself like a big girl!". 

As crazy as she might drive me, she's never short on love, hugs, and kisses. Touch is absolutely Baylee's love language, and she is very compassionate and caring when people she loves are sad or hurting. Sometimes when we are playing at home she will stop what she's doing just to come up to me and say "I love you, Mommy" and I am an absolute puddle. That girl has me wrapped around her finger, and she knows it. ;) 

Happy 3rd birthday, my Baylee Boo! 
 My life would never be complete without you and your crazy, beautiful self!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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