Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Eleven Weeks

How far along: 11 weeks 3 days
Gender Prediction: I'm very much thinking it's a boy, but I would be stoked either way! We should get to find out with a blood test in just a few weeks! :)
Weight gain: Gained a pound back from what I lost, so I have 4 more to go and I'm back at pre-baby weight
Maternity clothes: Just shorts, but I've also been bumming around in my Lululemon yoga pants and they are just making my life so happy!
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleeping mostly well with bouts of insomnia. I have to take a mid-day nap every day or else I'm useless in the evening.
Best moment this week: Everything went wonderfully at our OB appointment! We got to see the little nugget jumping around like a froggy on the ultrasound.
Worst moment this week: I thought my nausea was easing up a bit, and then this weekend it hit me again hard. Relief is on the way, but not quite yet.
Miss anything: Just not wanting to puke all the time! :) LoL
Movement: Possible tiny "bubbly" movements but I still really can't tell.
Cravings: Fruit, Naked Juice, cereal, and pasta...oh, and I still can't shake the Chick-fil-a chicken salad sandwich obsession.
Anything make you queasy or sick: I'm queasy when I'm hungry, okay while I'm eating, and then queasy again after I's a vicious cycle.
Looking forward to: Second trimester is just around the corner! :)

Until next time! XoXoXo

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