Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thirteen Weeks

How far along: 13 weeks 5 days
Gender Prediction: Well we were supposed to find out the gender yesterday, but it turns out that my NIPT was never ordered! Sad day! So, now I think we might just wait a couple weeks and go have a gender reveal ultrasound done.
Weight gain: Still negative 4 pounds from where I started.
Maternity clothes: Broke out some of my maternity tops so I can enjoy them before the weather cools off! So comfy!
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: So much better with my new pregnancy pillow! I will be sure to add it to my second trimester favorites post when I write it!
Best moment this week:Seeing sweet baby at my NT scan! He or she is so adorable and measuring 3 inches head to rump!
Worst moment this week: Still some hematoma bleeding...I'm just ready for it to heal up completely and be done.
Miss anything: My old energy level...I literally cannot even keep up with Baylee or cleaning my house these days!
Movement: I think so, but I'm still not positive! I've been feeling a little fishy here and there so I think it might be the baby :)
Cravings: Milkshakes...all day every day, frosted mini wheats, pringles, and french toast.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nothing really! Now I'm just making myself have stomach aches from eating too much or too many different things!
Looking forward to: Second trimester starts Saturday! Woohoo!
Little babe at 13w3d

Until next time! XoXoXo

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