Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Bump In the Road

Well, we just got in the clear from morning sickness and my hematoma in my uterus, so I thought that this second trimester would finally be the "honeymoon phase" I have been waiting for so that I could completely enjoy this pregnancy, but we have hit yet another bump in the road. Everything is okay with baby, but lately I have been noticing that something was off. I felt movement with Baylee at 12 weeks, and with this baby I am already almost 16 weeks and have only felt movement twice. I also have noticed that I am carrying super low, and that my bump isn't growing a whole lot from week to week like it was last trimester. I just chalked that up to every pregnancy being different, however, and didn't think much of it.

Then, within the past couple weeks I started to notice that every once in a while when I went to the bathroom nothing would come out. I mentioned it to my OB, and she said that I might be dealing with a slight uterine prolapse, but that it should correct itself by 16 weeks. But then, a few days later, (this Monday and Tuesday) I found myself in the ER with painful urine retention. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't go, so two days in a row they had to catheterize me to empty my bladder. They couldn't figure out the cause, so they had me return to see my OB.

So, yesterday I finally had an appointment with my OB, and after doing a pelvic exam, she diagnosed me with an Incarcerated Uterus. Basically, whats happening is that normally, after the first trimester, the uterus rises above the pubic bone and out of the pelvis. Mine, however, is tilted and quite literally "stuck" behind my pubic bone. This is causing immense pressure on my bladder, and when it gets too full, it causes my urethra to get clamped down so that urine cannot come out. :/ So. Much. Fun. The best part? This only happens to 1 in 3,000 pregnancies. I think I need to play the lottery.

Theoretically, there is a chance that this can correct itself within the coming weeks, however there is always a chance that it won't. We are going to keep a close eye on it and do everything we can to get it to move (exercises and yoga poses) but if it doesn't things could get a little scary. Without room to grow, baby is high risk for preterm birth, and because my cervix is facing the wrong way I would have no choice but to have a cesarean. We are going to have to cross those bridges when we get there, however, so I am trying to stay calm and keep the faith that it will all work out.

For now, I am just asking for all your prayers and good vibes! I know I need to stay strong and relaxed for my little babe, so please pray that God grants me loads of peace and acceptance. I will update the blog as we know more! Thank you to every single one of you who has been there for every step of this journey! I couldn't jump these hurdles without you! All my love!

Until next time! XoXoXo


  1. Oh mama, so sorry to hear about this new hurdle. So glad baby's okay but it must be tough with all the discomfort. Hoping it resolves itself soon love. Lifting you and your little nugget up♥️

    1. Thank you so much mama friend! The most important thing is that baby stays safe and sound as long as possible!

  2. Hi Ashlee. Oddly, I found you on Pinterest today while in the hospital meeting with a specialist in Charleston about my incarcerated uterus. I am almost 20 weeks and was diagnosed with this morning. The specialist "popped" my baby out my pelvis which was very painful but appears to have worked. I go back next week to check again. He also recommended other things that I am happy to share (but not on a public blog). ;-) Praying for you!

    1. Oh wow! That's amazing that they were able to pop baby out of your pelvis! I would love to chit chat with you and hear what your other recommendations were, so if you get a chance to email me that would be amazing!
