Friday, November 10, 2017

Twenty Three Weeks

How far along: 23 weeks 6 days
Weight gain: 6 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Starting to get flat as a pancake!
Sleep: Sleeping okay, but waking up with raging heartburn/indigestion.
Best moment this week: Baby had an echocardiogram on Monday and everything looks perfect with her and her little heart! I can't believe how big she's getting!
Worst moment this week: On Wednesday, I woke up feeling nauseous (similar to morning sickness) but figured I was just hungry. I went to Disneyland for a girls day out and spent the morning throwing up in the bathroom. :( It was not fun and I felt crappy the rest of the day. In hind sight, I think it had to do with the bad heartburn and indigestion I've been having. I've been taking Zantac and it's really helping; I just don't have a very big appetite.
Miss anything: Nothing really bad, I'm content :)
Movement: Feeling her many, many times a day! She's especially active at night when I'm laying quietly.
Cravings: Still apples with peanut butter and strawberry milkshakes, but not necessarily together...but I'm also not opposed. 
Anything make you queasy or sick: My indigestion
Looking forward to: My baby shower next weekend! I can't wait!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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