Friday, March 9, 2018

One Month With Natalie

And just like that, my little peanut is already a month old! How did it go so fast?! We had a wonderful first month, and I already miss those first few precious days with her and her tiny self! Newborns are so addicting. :)

As of her last doctors appointment, Natalie is now 7 lbs 9 oz and 18 inches long. She's finally fitting in her newborn clothes, and is a complete snuggle bunny happiest on Mama's chest.

We started off our first days at home with lots of nursing and lots of "sunshine time" to help move her jaundice out. She still is a little yellow in her face and eyes, but we are finally doing much better!

At 5 days old, Natalie had her first holiday...Valentine's Day! I happened to have bought her an outfit just in case she made an early debut and was around for the day, so she looked completely festive and adorable! 

A few days later, we did our first Target trip together (big milestone of course!) and Natalie slept through the whole thing!  

Baylee and baby sis had their first "mama photo shoot" together (of many I'm sure) and it was so much fun putting them in their little double trouble outfits.  

Really, I've just been having a blast and looking for any excuse to take pictures of this sweet babe. So nice that she doesn't move yet. ;) 

It's been so amazing getting to watch her come out of her "newborn fog" and get more alert every day. Even though she is my second baby, I'm still in awe of how much babies change in their first year. I feel so blessed that I get to experience this all over again! 

Happy 1 Month, sweet girl! I love being your Mama, and I'm so happy you're here!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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