Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Holiday Bucket List

This Holiday Season has been a busy one already, so I made a list of things I really hope we get a chance to do over the next month! We went to Disneyland to see all the Christmas decor yesterday, so we already have one thing checked off our list!

Holiday Bucket List 2018
1. Send Christmas Cards ASAP so everyone can have our new address!
2. Visit Santa, so that Baylee can tell him what's on her list!
3. Do a "Pay It Forward" act at least once a week. (We need new ideas! Tell me what you do in the comments!)
4. Bake Christmas cookies and invent a new recipe. (I already have something in mind!)
5. Read a Christmas book before bed every night.
6. Have a Christmas pajama party.
7. Watch at least one Christmas movie every day.
8. Visit the local street that does Christmas lights and walk around with hot cocoa.
9. Buy Natalie a "First Christmas" ornament for the tree.
10. Wrap Christmas presents in pretty paper.
11. Make our annual Rudolph pancakes on Christmas Eve.
12. Visit Disneyland to see all their lights and decor.
13. Watch Baylee in her school's Christmas Program
14. Watch Baylee in her dance studio's Winter Recital.
15. Give at least one toy to a toy drive.
16. Leave cookies, milk, and a letter out for Santa. 
17. Visit the local mountains and build a snowman.
18. Have a Christmas shopping date night with Brian.
19. Make a list of 2019 resolutions.
20. Throw a tiny New Year's Eve party for Baylee and ring in the new year with NYC! ;)

What is on your holiday bucket list?!

I hope to find time to do all 20 things, but if not, I know this is still going to be the best holiday season ever! :)


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