Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas 2019 Recap!

I’m still having trouble believing that Christmas 2019 is already over! I feel like it was the fastest season we have ever had, and I truly was not ready for it to end! 

Brian ended up finding out about a week before that he was getting force-hired for Christmas Day, so we decided to hold most of our festivities on Christmas Eve! That morning, we went to Brian’s parents mountain home for brunch. It was so nice to have a quiet visit, and I made Rudolph pancakes for my girls and nieces!

After we opened some presents, we headed back to our house to have our own little Christmas with just us 4. We had an early dinner, then we piled all the presents for the girls and each other in front of the fireplace, and let them take their time opening and enjoying each gift. It was the coziest Christmas celebration I think we have ever had! We put milk, cookies, & carrots out for Santa and his reindeer, and then we tucked the girls in. 

After a few hours of eggnog, gift assembly, & watching Home Alone, my sisters and their husbands and my niece Kennedy all came to the house. We all went to bed fairly early because we knew it wouldn’t be long before little girls would be waking us up to see if Santa came!

Brian left for work super early that morning, and I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided to come down stairs to have my coffee and enjoy the quiet before the storm!

Baylee was the first one awake, so we got the little ones out of their cribs shortly after. Before long, paper was flying, and the girls had the time of their lives seeing what Santa brought! My dad also surprised them with a bike and a play house. 

We had our traditional cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs for breakfast and let the girls play with their toys until nap time. We missed our best guy, but we definitely made the most of the day! My sisters had to go to in-law houses for dinner, so I had a quiet dinner at home with my girls. I thought I would be sad, but it was actually very relaxing. There’s no doubt that being a mom during the holidays is pretty stressful, so having a quiet evening with my girls was a perfect way to end our Christmas! 

Even though Christmas was a little different this year, it was still an amazing one, and I’m already sad that it’s over! But this morning we woke up to 5 or 6 inches of snow, so I’m going to make the falalalala last as long as I can! ;)

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, friends!

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