Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter 2020

This Easter was definitely way different than past Easters, but we tried to make the most of it despite being stuck at home. We missed family and being able to go places, but it was kind of nice to have a slow, quiet day.

Thankfully, I had thought ahead for Easter baskets, so everything had been ordered and delivered in time for E.B.’s arrival! The girls were so excited that he had actually came and filled their baskets!

Funny story, I didn’t check the sizes when ordering their stuffed bunnies, and Baylee’s ended up being 3 times bigger than Natalie’s. SMH. Thank God Natty is still too little to care!

The girls dove straight in to their baskets, and their happiness warmed my heart. I tried to keep it simple with a few fun things, some necessities, and a little candy.

Once their baskets were empty, they went straight to the egg hunt. Normally the Easter Bunny hides our eggs on the lawn outside, but we just had a 5-day long rainstorm, so he chose an indoor hunt this year just to be safe.

After the egg hunt, we had our annual french toast breakfast complete with Nutella and strawberries. The best!

We mostly stayed in jammies and hung out inside the rest of the day, making sure the girls got some outside time to enjoy our first sunny afternoon in a while. We ordered dinner to be dropped off on our porch from a restaurant since we have not had much energy to cook. (Still delish!) Next year will hopefully be so different, but I will forever hold this simple Easter dear to my heart.  

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
Hallelujah, He is risen!

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