Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Three Month Bumpdate

How far along: 3 months (14 weeks 4 days)
Weight gain: Still no weight gain yet, I’ve lost a few pounds from my starting weight
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Occasional insomnia, but when I sleep through the night, I sleep great!
Best moment this month: Seeing our little nugget at an ultrasound finally looking like a baby! He/she was sucking their little thumb and it was the sweetest thing! 
Worst moment this month: At two separate ultrasounds, baby would not get into position so that the techs could get the measurements they needed to complete my NT scan so now I have inconclusive results. 
Miss anything: Honestly not really, I feel like the third time around you know how fast it really goes. The sushi and alcohol will come haha
Movement: A few flutters this week, but nothing super consistent
Cravings: Costco pumpkin pie (which doesn’t exist for a couple of weeks apparently), apple juice, oatmeal, and sausage egg and cheddar sandwiches from Starbucks.
Anything make you queasy or sick: The nausea was BAD from like 8-13 weeks but it’s way better now. This baby is not a big fan of anything super sweet though, and my heartburn/indigestion is out of control.
Looking forward to: Hopefully finding out the gender soon! I can’t wait to know what this baby is, and I can’t believe I ever got it in my head that I wanted to wait until birth to find out. Ha. 

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