Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day 2017!

This weekend went by entirely too fast, but it's only because we had so much fun! I can't believe I just celebrated my 3rd Mother's Day already; and I have to say this was the best one so far! :)

We woke up entirely too early so that we could do our hour and a half trek to Disneyland...I was determined to have some Mickey Mouse pancakes in my life! Brian and Baylee gave me my gift before we hit the road, and it was so sweet and thoughtful. Along with cards, they made me a gift basket filled with mugs, candles, and some shirts. Three of my favorite things! I could tell Brian was really proud of all the thought he put in to my gift, and that made it even more special. 

I totally forgot that Disneyland had hosted the Tinkerbell Half Marathon that morning, so when we got down there the parking structure and Downtown Disney were absolutely insane. I was worried that we wouldn't get to have the nice relaxing morning that I had been hoping for, but luckily the inside of the park was nice and quiet. They handed out carnations of every color to all the mommies at the entrance, and from there we made a bee line for breakfast. Baylee was thrilled with her Mickey Mouse pancake, and we were even paid a visit by a mama duck and her fluffy little babies!

After breakfast, we spent the rest of the late morning and early afternoon going on some rides and walking around Disney. We got to see a 3D preview of Cars 3, and now I am so excited to take Baylee to see it when it comes out in theaters next month! Around 2:00 it started getting busier, so we decided that was our cue to head home. We hadn't been on the road more than 5 minutes before Baylee fell asleep...a sign of a super fun Disney day! 

Since we skipped lunch, (we were too full from pancakes!) we decided to go out for an early dinner once we were back home. Mimi's Cafe was my pick, and their Garlic Brick Chicken did not disappoint one bit. We all shared a slice of strawberry shortcake for dessert, and it was perfect! I got to end my day cuddling on the couch watching The Princess and the Frog with my loves, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

There's no doubt about it, I am one blessed Mama! So thankful for my hubby and sweet girl!

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Until next time! XoXoXo 



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