Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Land That I Love! (Independence Day 2017)

Did everyone have an amazing 4th of July?? We celebrated our independence by laying around on a California beach enjoying the sunshine and beautiful weather. :) It was perfect!

Baylee was her usual beach-loving self, and spent the entire day running up and down the beach, splashing in the water, and building sand castles with her daddy, cousin, and uncle! 

We had a big group of family and friends, so it was a blast hanging out with everyone and eating some yummy food with our toes in the sand. The hike to the bathroom was a little crazy, but in all I can't think of a more relaxing way to spend our holiday!

Baylee was so tired when we decided to pack up that she passed out on Brian's shoulders and didn't wake up until we were more than halfway home. Poor girl wore herself out! Once we got home though, she got her second wind. We took showers and then put on pajamas and red, white, and blue glow necklaces and bracelets. Brian filled our air mattress and shoved it in the back of our van, and the three of us cuddled back there while we watched fireworks from our own front yard! It was a perfect way to end a wonderful Independence Day!  

We are so blessed to live in this wonderful country!

Happy Birthday, USA!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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