Monday, July 31, 2017

Nine Weeks

How far along: 9 weeks 2 days
Gender Prediction: So, from the start I was having major boy vibes, but now I'm kind of torn! Maybe I'll have a better idea in a couple weeks. (P.S. I was wrong with Baylee, soooo...)
Weight gain: I've lost 5 lbs (thanks morning sickness)
Maternity clothes: None yet, but I've started doing the "hairband trick" and using my Bella Band with my shorts
Stretch marks: Nope, I didn't get any with Baylee, so I am hoping that the trend continues. I've already started to put on my Palmer's Oil.
Belly button in or out: In, but already stretching
Sleep: Sleeping well, but having to get up to pee a lot.
Best moment this week: Seeing our little nugget at our last ultrasound at the fertility clinic! I have officially graduated to my OBGYN!
Worst moment this week: Had some bleeding again from the hematoma after my ultrasound. I know it's completely normal, but any amount of blood scares a preggo.
Miss anything: Loving food. I can't wait to not be nauseous anymore!
Movement: Not it still too tiny!
Cravings: Naked Juice, watermelon, trail mix, peach greek yogurt, milk, and ramen noodles.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Pretty much just being alive. Haha...I'm nauseous most of the day with moments of relief here and there. After 5:00pm I'm no good and completely feel like I'm on a boat.
Looking forward to: Our first appointment with my OBGYN! I have missed her so much, and I know she will be so excited to see that I am finally pregnant again after all this time!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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