Saturday, August 12, 2017

Back to School, Back to School!

Well, I guess for Baylee it's not really "back to school", because Thursday was her first day ever! We thought long and hard about whether or not to send her to preschool yet, but in the end we decided that she definitely needs the socialization with other kids her age. She has zero separation anxiety, so we knew when the day came it would be harder on us than it would be on her. ;)

I searched all over for the best preschool to send her to, and finally found one that happens to be very close to home. I decided on two half days a week to ease both her and I in, and I think it will turn out to be the perfect amount of time. We signed her up back in May, so we spent the last 3 months telling her what school will be like and getting her completely pumped for it!

On Thursday morning we told her "It's finally the first day of school!" and I have never seen the kid so excited! She's normally a sloth getting ready to go anywhere, but she ate her breakfast at a normal human rate (ha!) and then ran around with me excitedly getting dressed for the day. We even had enough time to do a little photo shoot before it was time to go!

We got to the school and met her teacher, and Baylee was all smiles being surrounded by so many kids and toys. We found her cubby and put her things in it. I gave her a hug and a kiss goodbye, and then she walked into her classroom without so much as glancing behind her. She was so ready. I was great until we got to the car and her Disney Princess CD started playing and then the tears began. It was SO hard leaving my girl with people who were not family, and I kept thinking about whether or not she was okay and having fun.

Noon could not come fast enough! I couldn't wait to rush down to the school to pick her up and hear all about her day! She said that she had so much fun and made new friends, but that she didn't remember their names. She played on the playground, colored, read books, played with the doctor kit, and learned about numbers in circle time. I was actually shocked that she remembered so much about her day! It was so adorable, and she told me she can't wait to go back! :)

I can't believe my baby is a big preschooler!

Until next time! XoXoXo



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