Thursday, August 24, 2017

Twelve Weeks

How far along: 12 weeks 5 days
Gender Prediction: I'm still having boy vibes, but who knows? We should be able to find out next week!
Weight gain: Still haven't gained back all the weight I lost from having morning sickness, but I will soon judging from the amount of ice cream and shakes I've been enjoying. (No regrets.)
Maternity clothes: Just maternity shorts and yoga pants these days.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Still peeing multiple times a night, but sleeping great other than that! I'm supposed to be getting a pregnancy pillow from Amazon today, so I'm really excited!
Best moment this week: My strawberry shake from Sonic. It was life changing.
Worst moment this week: I'm still having some spotting and issues with my hematoma. I know everything is fine, but it freaks me out.
Miss anything: I have been wanting an turkey sandwich like crazy!
Movement: Possible, but still too tiny for me to really tell. Baby is about the size of a key lime!
Cravings: Apples with peanut butter, milkshakes, ice cream, and frosted mini wheats cereal.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Still not a huge fan of red meat, and sometimes cooking food kind of turns my stomach, but other than that I've been feeling 1,000 times better!
Looking forward to: Seeing the little nugget at my NT scan on Tuesday, and finding out the gender!

Until next time! XoXoXo


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