Friday, September 8, 2017

Fourteen Weeks

How far along: 14 weeks 6 days
Gender Prediction: We still don't know, but I'm still 60/40 boy/girl!
Weight gain: Almost at my starting weight! Two more pounds to go!
Maternity clothes: Yep!
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleeping okay! My pillow has helped so much
Best moment this week: We had a great appointment with our OB and everything is finally going pretty smooth. :) Baby's heart rate was 150 bpm.
Worst moment this week: A few bouts of nausea but mostly feeling great!
Miss anything: Not being tired :)
Movement: Nothing really, I think baby is in a funny spot, so I can't feel anything quite yet!
Cravings: Ice cream, cereal, and fruit.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Occasional tummy aches and a little nausea, but nothing terrible!
Looking forward to: Hopefully finding out baby's gender soon!

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