Monday, September 18, 2017

Pink or Blue?

Over the weekend, we did a gender reveal mini shoot with the always wonderful Janae Marie Photography! We were so excited to finally find out what baby number 2 is and...


That's right, we are as shocked as you are that it's pink on pink over here at the Tibbetts' house! :) I would have put money on baby being a little boy, but I am absolutely over the moon to get to experience another baby girl. I know Baylee and her little sister are going to grow up to be the best of friends just like my sisters and me!

Baylee was so scared of the smoke bomb at first because it makes a noise like a firework, but we keep joking that this is the moment Baylee realized she wasn't going to be the only princess anymore! LoL

She finally warmed up to it near the end, though, and looks just as excited to have a little sister as we are! I love that I can break out all of Baylee's adorable clothes and toys that I saved, and use them for the new baby. I am even more eager for February to come around now, so that I can finally have my girls together. :)

If you're local, and want to do a gender reveal, maternity pictures, or a family shoot with Janae, make sure you check out her website here to contact her! I promise you won't be disappointed!

Until next time! XoXoXo


  1. Congratulations! I love the photos. The pink smoke was a creative idea!!

  2. This is a very creative way to do it! Congratulations to you and the family for the new member of the team. I am getting married in one of the San Francisco wedding venues and I am just preparing myself for the role that one day my little girl or boy will hand me. Happy New Year guys!
