Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Struggle Is Real (But So Is the Love)

No one could ever really prepare you for how exhausting it is to be pregnant while chasing around a toddler/preschool aged child. Between the tiny human I’m growing, and the tiny human I’m already raising, my energy is completely zapped. (Thus the lack of actual blog posts...sorry guys.) As time goes on, I’m realizing that God definitely knew what He was doing putting a 3 plus year age gap between my girls. I give major props to you mamas with shorter age are my heroes, because I don’t know how I could stay sane without a kiddo with a nearly complete vocabulary who goes to two half days of preschool a week. All that being said, though, man, it is still rough.

Baylee has a continuing power struggle currently with Brian and me. She’s so stubborn and independent, so we try our best to let her do things by and for herself, but let’s face it, sometimes you gotta step in so you’re not late to an OB appointment because she just has to tie her own shoes...which she hasn’t learned how to do yet. (No, even if I wasn’t pregnant, they don’t make enough wine for moments like those.) She also has a vendetta against the word “no”. You can’t just tell my daughter “no” and expect her to stop what she’s doing. Oh, no. Baylee needs the “why" behind it in a desperate way, and “because I’m your mommy, and I said so” definitely doesn’t cut it. I’m trying my best to keep my cool (though, let’s face it, preggo hormones don’t always allow that) and really figure out how her little brain is working, but it’s definitely been a challenge. Bed time is a daily struggle; nap time is my best friend.

The hardest part so far for me, though, has been the mom guilt. I was just telling Brian yesterday, that I feel so tired all the time and it's hard for me to get on the floor and play "make believe" games with Baylee anymore. She gets about 15-20 minutes out of me and then I'm done. I know it's completely acceptable (and good for her) to have her play independently at her age, but I can't help but feel guilty that I used to make her days a lot more fun. I don't even remember the last cute breakfast or lunch I made for her, and that makes me sad. I know this won't last forever or scar her for life, but it's been difficult for me to know she's getting a little more screen time and a lot less play time when it's just her and me. (Thank goodness for Daddy who plays all the games and does all the voices!)

In the end, though, I know this is just one of those seasons of motherhood where the struggle is real, but the love is oh, so worth it. I guess, in reality, I should be enjoying and taking in the quiet moments where it's just Baylee and me on the couch watching a movie, because in four months or less stuff's about to get real! It's a crazy journey, being a mommy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! :)

Talk to me, seasoned mamas! What are your best tips for thriving and not just surviving being pregnant while taking care of a little? Also, I'm taking ALL the transitioning Baylee into big sister mode advice too! 

Until next time! XoXoXo


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