Friday, November 24, 2017

Twenty Five Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks 6 days
Weight gain: 9 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Flat as a pancake!
Sleep: Sleeping much better! Baby girl wakes me up with her dance parties sometimes, but I don't mind one bit. :)
Best moment this week: My baby shower was completely wonderful, and also spending Thanksgiving with our families and eating so much yummy food!
Worst moment this week: My heartburn and indigestion are just out of control. I wake up in so much pain in the middle of the night sometimes that I have to take Tums on top of taking Zantac.
Miss anything: Not having heartburn and indigestion...I definitely didn't have it this bad with Bay!
Movement: Feeling her a lot more often unless I'm having a busy day and moving around a lot. I can tell she's getting huge!
Cravings: Honestly, nothing really this week besides milk.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Not really! Feeling pretty
Looking forward to: Hitting the third trimester! We are soooo close!

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