Thursday, November 16, 2017

Twenty Four Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks 5 days
Weight gain: 8 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Almost completely flat now!
Sleep: Bad nights and good nights.
Best moment this week: We had a wonderful afternoon/evening at Disneyland this week. I'm so glad that my back isn't acting up this pregnancy (I had terrible sciatica with Baylee) so that I can actually enjoy myself and get some exercise!
Worst moment this week: Nothing pregnancy related, but my poor Baylee girl has tonsillitis and it's breaking my heart! :(
Miss anything: Not having heartburn and indigestion! I'm having to take Zantac every 12 hours.
Movement: She has very quiet days and some super active days. Right now she should be over a foot long and over 1.5 pounds!
Cravings: Yesterday was a tuna sandwich and an entire can of cranberry sauce. Together. Let the weird cravings begin!
Anything make you queasy or sick: Only when I eat something that aggravates my indigestion
Looking forward to: My baby shower is in a few days! I'm ridiculously excited!

Here's my poor sicky girl loving on baby sis:

Until next time! XoXoXo


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