Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017!

Christmas 2017 was absolutely magical! I honestly think Baylee being 3 this year made it the best ever; she totally understands every aspect of the holiday now and made it so much fun for all of us! 

We started out our celebration at Brian's parents home in the mountains. We had a delicious dinner, and then Santa paid Baylee and her cousin Adalyn a surprise visit where they each got to open one gift from him early. It was so much fun seeing their excitement that Santa was actually at their grandparents' house!

As soon as we got home, we put cookies and milk out for Santa and read "The Night Before Christmas". Baylee eagerly went to sleep (for once) so that Santa could come and hopefully bring her everything she had asked him for. I have never seen her so excited to go to sleep!

On Christmas morning, Brian, my sister, my baby niece Kennedy, and I were all up before Baylee, so it was perfect. We put finishing touches on everything we had set up the night before, made our coffee, and started a fire in the fireplace. We heard Baylee starting to wake up, so Brian rang some jingle bells outside her bedroom door to remind her what day it was. She was so excited to run out and see all her presents. She got everything she asked for including a Chubby Puppy, a kitty surprise, a dinosaur book, and a cradle for a new baby doll. I had tears in my eyes all morning from her excitement and gratitude. She was full of "Thank yous" and "This is what I always wanted"! :)

After presents, we had a delicious breakfast of cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon, and potatoes o'brien; then, we got ready for the rest of our day. We all loaded up into the van and had lunch with my grandma (Nanny) and then a wonderful lasagna dinner with my dad. The whole day was super relaxed and easy, it was seriously a dream Christmas for me. (Especially being so preggo and tired lol). 

We ended the night with my sister insisting that I took a bump picture in front of my dad's tree, and I'm so glad she suggested it! It turned out adorable, and got me so excited that I will be trading my big ol' bump for a sweet baby girl in just a matter of weeks! Best gift ever!

I hope you all had magical Christmases just like we did! 
So excited to see what 2018 has to bring! 

Until next time! XoXoXo


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