Monday, January 15, 2018

Baylee At 3 1/2!

Baylee's half birthday is today, and I can't believe she is only 6 months away from turning 4! She has grown and changed so much since turning 3, so I thought I would do a little update on her!

Right now, Baylee is 38 inches tall and weighs 34 pounds. She has already started wearing 4T clothes, and is a size 7 shoe. She is doing amazing in preschool, and I'm constantly in awe of how smart she is. She has complete recognition of the entire alphabet and what sound each letter makes (she can also recall words that start with each letter) and can count to 30 without assistance. She has also started learning to trace letters and numbers at school, so we practice at home and she is doing great! She can now spell and recognize her name when it's written down. I have a feeling that if she keeps an interest, she honestly might be reading before kindergarten.

The first few months of Baylee being 3 were really hard for us as far as her behavior. She became a sassy threenager overnight, and we had no idea how to combat "the beast". After a lot of trial and error, we are in a much better place with her behavior now. She has been sleeping great in her big kid bed, and is starting to listen much better. We definitely still have our daily power struggles, and rough moments (or days lol), but for the most part she's gotten a lot better at understanding that there will be consequences for little girls who don't listen! (Taking away toys seems to be a very effective method for her.) Other than the listening issues, she's the sweetest girl with a heart of gold. She is as caring as compassionate as ever, and completely full of hugs, kisses and cuddles! She does great socially at school, and loves making new friends. I'm so proud of how friendly and loving my girl is. :)

 Baylee is still obsessed with dinosaurs and animals, and she has a new found love of playing with her baby dolls. She got a lot of new accessories for her dollies for Christmas, and it has been great big sister practice for her! She is so excited for her sister to be born soon, and asks me almost every day if its time for "her baby" to come out of my belly yet. She also started ballet and tap dance classes about 5 months ago, and she's completely in love with it. We had her in gymnastics last year, but I noticed she had been getting a little bored with it. She's a very musical kid, so dance has been a lot more enjoyable for her. Her teacher is amazing, and she looks forward to going every week. (Also, I'm not complaining about the adorable costumes and cute!)

Here are Baylee's answers to her current favorites:

Favorite color?: pink and blue
Favorite toy?: my chubby puppy 
Favorite food?: chicken and soup
Favorite TV show?: Octonauts
Favorite game?: Lucky Ducks
Favorite snack?: fishy crackers
Favorite animal?: giraffe
Favorite song?: "ABC’s"
Favorite book?: "The Tawny Scrawny Lion"
Best Friend?: Maci and Sophie
Favorite Cereal?: frosted mini wheats
Favorite thing to do outside?: play on the slide
Favorite drink?: coffee (what?? lol)
Favorite holiday?: Halloween
What toy do you take to bed with you at night? My angel bear
Favorite movie: Beauty & The Beast
Favorite place to go?: In-N-Out
Baylee's great sense of humor keeps us laughing every day! It has been so much fun to watch her grow even more the last 6 months, and I can't wait to see how much she changes by this summer, especially with a little sister on the way!
Happy 1/2 birthday, sweet girl! 
Mama loves you to the moon and back!

Until next time! XoXoXo



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