Monday, March 5, 2018

32 Things About Me

  Today is my 32nd birthday, and I seriously can't believe I am now "in my thirties". It seemed so far away in my 20's, but now it's here and I'm completely choosing to embrace it! So, here's a fun random fact post in honor of my birthday. :)

32 Things About Me

1. I am deeply afraid of heights. Even being on hotel balconies freaks me out.

2. My favorite colors are pink and grey.

3. I want my husband and I to renew our vows on a beach in Hawaii. (Preferably Oahu where we started dating.)

4. I feel so blessed to have daughters. I’ve always dreamed of being a girl mom! (I wouldn’t mind having a boy next though!)

5. My blog started as just a way for me to document my pregnancy with Baylee for myself and family, and now has turned into a huge part of my life. I’m so grateful to have my little space to be creative and for the community of Mom friends I have found.

6. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but right now being a stay at home mom is pretty dang amazing.

7. It blows my mind that I have an IVF baby. I feel like everything happened so fast (even though it was over the course of 15 months) and “poof” she’s here!

8. I have a terrible sweet tooth. Donuts, ice cream, and cupcakes are life!

9. Stargazer lillies and gerbera daisies are my favorite flowers.

10. I love going out to eat for any meal. My favorite restaurants are BJ’s, Mimi’s Cafe, and Lucille’s.

11. I only see movies in theaters once or twice a year. Hubby and I both think it’s way too overpriced, so we just wait for them to come out on Netflix.

12. I love to bake. In another life I would have totally gone to school to be a pastry chef.

13. I have a Starbucks addiction. My favorite drinks are iced caramel macchiatos and strawberry açaí refreshers. Unless it’s fall or Christmas time then I’m all about the seasonal choices!

14. Despite the empty tank I often have, I love being a mama and taking care of my girls more than anything in the world. They are my greatest treasures.

15. My husband is my best friend without a doubt. He makes me one proud and happy wifey on the daily!

16. I have this crazy desire to own a goat or a pot belly pig one day. Maybe both?

17. My love for food runs deep. I would love to be fit and healthy all the time, but then pizza, donuts, and french fries happen and I life to live, right? ;)

18. I went to private school from Kindergarten to 12th grade. My high school was an all-girls school.

19. I have 3 dogs and I am not a fan of cats at all.

20. I read the entire Harry Potter series in one summer (only reading about an hour a day).

21. If it was an option to go to Disneyland multiple times a week I would. I never get sick of it! (I haven’t been in a month and I’m dying! Lol)

22. My dream vacation is to stay in an over-water bungalow in Fiji.

23. I’m 10 college courses away from having a B.A. in Liberal Studies (to be a teacher) I got burnt out so I took a break one quarter and never went back. I have every intention of finishing one day when the time is right.

24. I was obsessed with pumpkin flavored stuff before it was cool. ;) It’s been one of my favorite flavors since I was a kid.

25. I joke about feeling old, but honestly I love my 30’s way more than my 20’s.

26. I want to learn to scuba dive, and I also want to go in a shark cage.

27. We plan on having one more baby, but if I was a little younger we would probably have 4 or 5 kids. (I’m just too tired lol)

28. The most thrilling thing I’ve ever done was ride a horse in the ocean in Jamaica. The water was up to it's neck and it was so crazy and so fun!

29. The first surgery I ever had was my C-section with Natalie 3 weeks ago. (And boy do I hope I never have to do that again!)

30. I collect coffee mugs and cozy blankets.

31. I love bubble baths, and I try to take one every so often to decompress.

32. I truly believe that the key to happiness is just choosing happy every day.

Cheers to 32!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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