Monday, April 9, 2018

Two Months With Natalie

I'm not sure where time has gone, but my tiny little miracle is already 2 months old! She's starting to be so much fun with her little gummy grin and coos. Her last appointment was two weeks ago and she was 9 lbs 12 oz and 20.75 inches, so she's probably grown a little more since then! I packed away all her preemie and newborn clothes (tears!) and she is officially rocking the 3 month wardrobe. I can't remember life without this little munchie...there's no way it was as sweet! :)

We started off Natalie's second month of life with her bellybutton finally healing, so she got to have her first real bath!

She also had her 1 month pictures taken with sissy at her first photo shoot which she, of course, cried through most of. ;)

A week later, Natalie got to go on her first road trip to San Diego to attend her Auntie Nicole's wedding which she, of course, slept through most of! (Gotta love 5 week olds!) 

A couple weeks after that, she got all dressed up for Daddy's graduation from the Firefighter Academy! We are all so excited for this new crazy change to our's going to be quite the amazing adventure! 

Then, a couple days later, Natalie got to celebrate her second first holiday...Easter! Baylee had the best time opening her basket for her, and they wore matching Easter dresses to dinner that evening.

I love this little babe more than I could ever explain! It's been so much fun to watch her personality start to shine through. I can already tell she's more quiet and reserved than big sis, and that she's going to take her time with milestones. By this age, Baylee was already rolling from belly to back and could prop herself on her forearms during tummy time. Natalie has shown no desire to roll and is perfectly content during tummy time just lifting her head slightly and kicking her legs while she coos quietly. I don't mind one bit though, and I kind of hope she takes her time growing up. :)  

Until next time! XoXoXo


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