Tuesday, May 15, 2018

0-3 Month Must Haves

I did posts on all my "must haves" when Baylee was a baby, and it's amazing how many things are different just 4 years later! Here are the main things I couldn't live with out the last 3 months with Natalie: 

1. Dock-A-Tot: I love this thing with a passion. Every time I need to do something around the house (or, you know, pee...) I can plop her in the DAT in any room of the house! She also just loves to hang out in it next to me while I blog or drink my coffee in the morning.

2. Rock'N'Play: When I registered for the RNP for my baby shower, I had no idea just how much it would come in handy! Natalie had terrible reflux issues her first 3 months (they're finally getting better) so I had to have her inclined after every feed and during sleep. She recently started napping in her crib with a reflux wedge, but she still sleeps in the RNP every night like a little rock. Most nights she sleeps a 6-8 hour stretch and it is SO amazing. I also love that I can take it in any room of the house! I have taken many showers with her chilling in the RNP in the bathroom. ;)

3. Ollie Swaddle: The Ollie is, by far, the best swaddle I've ever owned! It keeps Natalie so cozy without overheating her, and it's so easy and fast to put her in it! I will definitely use these with any future babies!

4. Boppy: I used the Boppy 80% of our nursing sessions when I was breastfeeding Natalie. It made it so much easier to hold her and get our positioning correct. We also use it for tummy time and to prop her up while on her back.

5. Play Mat: We had a different play mat for Baylee, but this time around I wanted something super small that wouldn't take up a lot of space in our house that is already covered in toys! This play mat is adorable, and Natalie loves looking at all her toys and swatting them.

These two things aren't in the picture but they are definitely on the list:

6. Solly Wrap: This is the best wrap I have ever used! Its so comfortable and lightweight, and Natalie loves being snuggled up next to me in it!

7. Owlet Baby Monitor: I shared my love for the Owlet in this post, so you all know that I think it's pretty much the best baby product ever! I don't know how we ever lived without one!

My little buggie is already getting so big! 
I'll have a new round up of 3-6 month items in a few months!


Until next time! XoXoXo


  1. This is a great list! We have the same play mat . We love it.
