Saturday, June 9, 2018

Four Months With Natalie

This amazing little diva of mine is 4 months old today, and I seriously have no idea how time is flying so fast! Her personality shines more each day, and I fall more and more in love with this tiny human! :) Natalie is so smart, happy all the time, and the most laid back baby I've ever met. She only cries if she's super hungry or super tired, and most of the time is completely content hanging out in her bouncer or on her play mat watching us do daily life things. She passes out smiles and giggles all day long, especially when she's being sang to.

We just recently had her 16 week checkup, and she weighs almost 13 pounds and is just about 23 inches long! We moved up to size 2 diapers and size 6 month clothes this month, and just like always I cried packing up all the 3 month clothes! She's getting so big so fast!

We moved Natalie into her own crib for naps and overnight this month, which has been a bittersweet change. I miss having my girl in my room with me, but she also sleeps a lot better on her own and is learning to self soothe, which is amazing. I can put her pacifier in her mouth and walk away and she rubs her head on her mattress until she falls asleep. As a result, she's now sporting the same baby bald spot that Baylee had as a baby, and it cracks me up every day! 

Now that we are having nice, summery weather here, we have been spending a lot more time outside. Natalie loves it so much, and is super calm every time we go out. It's the most adorable thing to watch her take in her world from a different perspective. She also got to have her first dip in the kiddie pool. She wasn't the biggest fan at first, but she got used to it and enjoyed kicking her feet in the water. 

By far, Natalie's favorite thing in the whole world is when Baylee plays with her. She loves her sissy so much, and looks all around for her when she hears her voice. Baylee loves to go in her room when she wakes up from her nap and talk to her while she helps me unzip her sleep suit. I love watching what a cute little mommy Baylee is becoming!

There's no doubt about it, this little girl gets more and more fun! She rolls from belly to back regularly, and almost has back to belly down! She blows raspberries all day long, and has recently found her voice which has been super funny to listen to. She loves sitting in her bumbo, and it has helped strengthen her back quite a lot! I have a feeling she will be sitting up before we know it!

Princess Natalie, you are so loved, and I'm so honored to be your mama and watch you grow each month! 

 Until next time! XoXoXo

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