Monday, July 9, 2018

Five Months With Natalie!

My little peanut is not a peanut anymore, and I can't even believe it! She's getting bigger, smarter, and stronger by the day, and I just feel so blessed to be her Mama! Natalie weighs 15 pounds right now, and I'm not sure of her length, but we will find out in a few weeks at her next appointment! She is in size 2 diapers (but probably our last pack!) and 6 month clothes.

Nat is the happiest baby ever. We had a little rough patch with her 4 month sleep regression, but she seems to be doing much better now. She's napping in 1-2 hour stretches and sleeping 12 hours at night with only 1 or 2 wake ups. (I'm still dead tired though lol) She's full of squeals, smiles, and giggles and loves playing with her toys. She's gotten pro at picking toys up to chew on them, and she loves to bounce around in her jumper. She can now roll in both directions, and loves to lay on her belly for long lengths of time. 

We have had a pretty quiet month over here with not too much going on, but Miss Natalie got to experience a few firsts. She went on her first picnic at the park with Baylee and me, and loved being outside under the trees! 

She celebrated her first Father's Day with Daddy! I still can't believe he has two little beauties to cuddle now. :)

She tried baby oatmeal for the first time, and absolutely loves it! I try my best to give her 1 serving of it every day now, and she bomb dives the spoon. I have a feeling she's going to be a good little eater! 

She celebrated her first Independence Day! We had so much fun getting her all dressed up for the day, and she loved all the attention. :)

And finally, as of yesterday, she sad up completely by herself. It was such a bittersweet moment! My little baby is already getting so big, and I know I'm going to blink and she will be crawling! 

We also hit the one year anniversary of little embryo Natalie being transferred into my uterus, and it was such a special day for me! It's amazing what a year can change, and now I have a fun and bouncy 5-month-old that I get to love on every day! 

Until next time! XoXoXo!


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