Sunday, July 15, 2018

Happy 4th Birthday, Baylee!

 My baby girl is 4 years old and I seriously can't believe it! She is the silliest, sassiest, most fun kiddo ever, and I can't wait to see how much she changes over the next year as she prepares for Kindergarten! Three was definitely a rough age for us at first with her tantrums and new-found opinions, but we made it through, and every day I see her maturing a little more!

Right now, Baylee is 38 pounds and 39 inches tall. She's in 4T/5T clothes and is a size 8 shoe. Her favorite things in the whole world are her baby sister, Disney Princesses, dinosaurs, and My Little Pony. She gets smarter every day. She can spell her name, recognize the entire alphabet and what sound each letter makes (as well as name a word that the letter starts with), she has been tracing letters and can recognize numbers 1-20. I am so excited to watch her learn even more in Pre-K this year! She loves to play play-doh and color, and can play with her toys in her room for hours.

Baylee's 4th Birthday Interview

Favorite color?: pink
Favorite toy?: my shopkins
Favorite food?: pancakes
Favorite TV show?: My Little Pony
Favorite game?: Pretty Pretty Princess
Favorite snack?: cheese-its
Favorite animal?: horse
Favorite song?: “H.O.L.Y” -Florida Georgia Line
Favorite book?: “I Spy”
Best Friend?: Maci, Sophie, & Kassidy
Favorite Cereal?: Rice Krispies
Favorite thing to do outside?: ride my trike
Favorite drink?: apple juice
Favorite holiday?: Halloween
What toy do you take to bed with you at night?: Kitty Cat
Favorite movie: Toy Story
Favorite place to go?: The park

I love my little bestie more than I could ever explain! 
Happy Birthday, Sweet Baylee!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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