Thursday, August 9, 2018

Six Months With Natalie

It's my sweet baby's half birthday! Don't even ask me where the last 6 months have gone because I have no clue! I'm so excited though, because, while I love all the newborn snuggles, the second half of the first year is so much more fun!

Natalie had a big month adding some "big-girl" food to her diet. So far, she has tried and liked pureed bananas, carrots, apples, and green beans. We have also began doing some baby led weaning with her. She has tried a banana, green beans, and toast so far, and I plan on letting her try avocado and sweet potatoes soon. She definitely isn't as big of a fan of food as big sister was at her age. Baylee would practically dance for food, but Natalie can kind of take it or leave it. Because of that, I'm not forcing it on her at all. She only gets food during our dinner time, and if shes napping or just not into it, then I don't even bother. I know in time her love for food will grow! :)

For milestones this month, Natalie has perfected sitting up unassisted. She loves sitting on a blanket and chewing on her toys and is perfectly entertained doing so for 20-30 minutes at a time! She has also started to reach up for me to pick her up, which I love, but along with that has come some major separation anxiety. She definitely does not like for me to not be within her range of sight! She also discovered our cocker spaniel, Stella, and is completely thrilled by her!

Natalie just had her six month checkup and is a super healthy little peanut! She is 15 pounds 2 ounces and 24.5 inches long, my tiny teapot! :) She is in size 3 diapers and 6 month clothes. She is finally sleeping through the night most nights, but right now she's teething super bad so we have some rough nights here and there still. She's happy 95% of the time, and her favorite things are bottles, naps, mama cuddles, and her crazy sister. She giggles almost every time Baylee walks into the room, and just adores her to pieces!

I just love this girl so much! I can't even remember life without her. I am so excited to be able to bond with her even more while Baylee is at school a few days a week and it's just the two of us. 

Happy half birthday my peanut! 
I love you to the moon and back! 

Until next time! XoXoXo


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